
Posts Tagged ‘hormones’

How to encourage high hormone levels during labour

Can you explain how to encourage high levels of hormones during labour. How would this enhance good progress and provide natural pain relief? This fascinating topic is included in all my workshops and courses. The main birth hormones – oxytocin and endorphins – are produced in the hypothalamus, which is a gland located deep in

A Labour of Love Part 4: The Dance of Labour – Mother and Baby

Essentially labour is a dance between mother and baby aided by the downward force of gravity. Now that we have some understanding of the physiology – lets turn to the protagonists. I believe it is essential that we think of labour starting in the final weeks of pregnancy when baby and mother are preparing, both

A Labour of Love Part 3: The Myth of Cervical Dilation

The concept of dilation of the cervix from 0-10cms during labour is unphysiological when we understand labour as a series of responses between mother and baby. It starts at the very end of pregnancy, when space in the womb is tight and the baby’s head starts to descend into the brim of the pelvis. Pressure

A Labour of Love Part 2: The Value of Preparing for Birth in Pregnancy

I have worked with mothers to be in pregnancy for more than 30 years and helped many hundreds of them to successfully access their mammalian instincts and to give birth naturally. As humans we have the disadvantage of our over-active rational brain and cultural conditioning to be afraid of giving birth. We are giving birth


A Labour of Love Part 1: Perspectives on Hormonal Labour

The mammalian birth process is one of Mother Nature’s finest creations. It is a biological process common to all mammals, including ourselves, which occurs spontaneously when pregnancy comes to an end. On the physiological level it involves a complex combination of interactions between mother and baby, from the end of pregnancy, throughout the phases of