Antenatal Newborn Care & Breastfeeding Class near Camden Town:
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In the weeks before birth, Mums and Dads learn how to breastfeed and parent their newborns at this two-and-a-half hour breastfeeding class near Camden Town.
The class is held at at The Active Birth Centre (find us) with renowned expert Janet Balaskas.
Breastfeeding made easy
Many antenatal classes advise you to sit upright when you start breastfeeding—but learning how to breastfeed ‘laid-back’ can make feeding much easier and more relaxing. In this breastfeeding class near Camden Town, Janet Balaskas shows you how.
It all begins in the first hour after birth. Using ‘laid-back’ feeding positions, you will learn how to activate your baby’s innate reflexes to find the breast and ‘self-attach’.
Many of the most common problems women experience with breastfeeding can be avoided with the information you will get in this breastfeeding class near Camden Town.
‘Laid Back’ Breastfeeding and the concept of Biological Nurturing was developed by Dr. Suzanne Colson – a consultant midwife. As a physiological approach to breastfeeding, it is a natural extension of the philosophy of Active Birth.
How to understand your baby
Breastfeeding is at the heart of your baby’s contentment. It offers both comfort and connection as well as the best possible nutrition.
Janet will explain the primal needs of a newborn baby and give you insight into newborn behaviour, sleep and wake patterns and other practical tips that every new parent needs.
- You will learn how a very young newborn baby communicates, and the patterns of feeding you can expect. This will make it easier for you to feel relaxed and confident, even when your baby is crying.
- You will learn how to interpret your baby’s signals and avoid the distress all too easily labelled as ‘colic’.
- There will be practical exercises and short films to give you simple yet effective guidance as you prepare to meet your baby.
Great for couples
The breastfeeding class near Camden Town is ideal for couples wanting antenatal preparation that looks beyond the birth, though you can also attend by yourself.
Partners will learn how to be supportive of breastfeeding, how to enjoy ‘hands on’ participation with your new baby, and how to build the intimate connections of your new family.
This breastfeeding class near Camden Town complements the BabyCalm™ Workshop, giving you comprehensive preparation for the early days and then ongoing parenting of your new baby. We recommend you come along during the last three months of your pregnancy.
Find out more about our brilliant courses for couples:
The Complete Active Birth Weekend Course with Janet Balaskas and Jill Miller
HypnoBirthing With Janet Balaskas