
Active Birth Workshop (Online Antenatal Classes)

Janet Balaskas teaching Active Birth antenatal classes

Special Offer: Add a Hypnobirthing course and save 20% across both! (Discount applied at checkout automatically when you add a Hypnobirthing course to your booking)

An online antenatal class
with Janet Balaskas, founder of Active Birth

The Active Birth Workshop is a complete birth preparation course created by ​world-renowned childbirth educator Janet Balaskas. In this online antenatal class, you will be fully informed and inspired as Janet guides you on a practical journey through labour until the first hour after the birth of your baby. You will gain confidence as you realise your body is designed to give birth, and your baby knows how to be born. An opportunity to learn from the originator of this workshop.

“In just one workshop you taught us more than we learnt anywhere else – realistic, practical and enjoyable!”

Awaken the instinctual intelligence of your body!

  • Discover the amazing physiology of labour and birth
  • Understand your body – and why babies are born more easily in an Active Birth
  • Practice positions and movements for labour and birth
  • Effective breathing exercises and relaxation techniques
  • How to work with your hormones to encourage natural pain relief
  • How to use touch, massage and partner support
  • Follow your breathing during contractions and ‘breath your baby out’
  • How to combine an Active Birth with medical pain relief or interventions if you need them 

Course dates for Active Birth Workshop (click to open and book)

If the dates don’t work for you, you can also request a private session. You will receive a recording of the session/s in addition to the course materials.

Active Birth Workshop Course Dates

Sun 18th August 10:30am - 3:30pm

Cost: £155 (includes a handout pack and free access to the film Active Birth: Your Guide to Nature’s Plan by Janet Balaskas)
Location: Live Streaming (Zoom)

Sun 22nd September 10:30am - 3:30pm

Cost: £155 (includes a handout pack and free access to the film Active Birth: Your Guide to Nature’s Plan by Janet Balaskas)
Location: Live Streaming (Zoom)

Sun 27th October 10:30am - 3:30pm

Cost: £155 (includes a handout pack and free access to the film Active Birth: Your Guide to Nature’s Plan by Janet Balaskas)
Location: Live Streaming (Zoom)

During Nov, Janet is teaching private sessions only which can include the Active Birth Workshop and/or Hypnobirthing and will be tailored to your requirements. The next group Active Birth Workshop is on 8th December

Use the button below to request a private session and more info

Sun 8th December 10:30am - 3:30pm

Cost: £155 (includes a handout pack and free access to the film Active Birth: Your Guide to Nature’s Plan by Janet Balaskas)
Location: Live Streaming (Zoom)


How do these antenatal classes differ from other courses?

The focus is on the normal physiology of the birth process rather than on what can go wrong. You will still learn how to adapt what you learn if and when the unexpected arises, but by understanding how birth happens normally, you increase the possibility of this unfolding at the time.

What is included in the workshop?

You will discover how your baby comes through the pelvis, how hormones drive the birth process forward and give you natural pain relief, what your uterus does when it contracts and how you can help by choosing upright positions, moving, breathing and more. Understanding how your body works in harmony with your baby reduces anxiety and builds confidence.

How is the workshop structured?

We will be working through the whole birth process in the sequence it unfolds with practical guidance, breathing, touch and visualisations of what happens in your body as well as seeing striking visuals. You will also learn how to apply the principles and benefits of an Active Birth in combination with interventions if necessary.

Can I combine this workshop with a Hypnobirthing course or NCT classes?

Yes! The Active Birth Workshop is a complete birth preparation course – and for many clients it is the only course they attend. Hypnobirthing and Active Birth are complementary and there is no conflict in doing both (we recommend Janet’s Hypnobirthing course. Janet’s unique approach will also build on any other antenatal classes you have attended (for example NCT classes). The detail and focus of this workshop on the normal physiology of the birth process will give you confidence and trust in your body and your ability to manage the sensations, reducing the need for medical pain relief and increasing the possibility of a natural birth.

Is the workshop interactive or just about listening?

The workshop is interactive. You will be guided by Janet throughout, with plenty of time for practical work, trying things out, asking questions and interacting with others. This is an immersive experience with the added benefit of working in your home where your labour is likely to start!  

Can my partner join?

Yes, you can attend with your partner. The role of the partner will be explored throughout – how best to support, touch, hold and be there for her. The emphasis will be on how you can practice together during pregnancy, learn how she likes to be touched and develop the skills to respond to her at the time in the way that she needs. Partners attending often say how helpful it was to understand the birth process in the unique way it is presented in this workshop.

Can I attend the Active Birth Workshop on my own?

Yes certainly, you can attend on your own and it’s likely that there may be others doing the same, so you will not feel uncomfortable. Janet will guide you with alternatives to any partner work.

What people say about our antenatal classes:

“A really fantastic workshop  – we were so engaged that time just flew by. It’s the first time that I’ve been able to consider and picture the birth process without anxiety, which was a really major step for me! 

“We loved how you taught us all we need to have a natural birth and to use what we learnt should plans change.

“A big thank you for a very informative and well-paced ‘zoom’ workshop.

“This day gave us a lot more confidence and practical tools for the months ahead.”

You can also book Private Online Sessions with Janet.

About Janet Balaskas

Janet Balaskas is a world-renowned childbirth educator and author of 7 books published in over 11 languages. Since founding the Active Birth Movement in 1981, she has transformed the way millions of women give birth around the world, by successfully campaigning for the right for women to give birth actively. Along the way, she pioneered the concept of pregnancy yoga, popularised home birth and water birth – and had four children of her own.