
Hypnobirthing for Active Birth – Online with Janet Balaskas

online hypnobirthing classes with janet balaskas

Special Offer: Add an Active Birth Workshop and save 10% across both! (Discount applied at checkout automatically when you add an Active Birth Workshop to your booking)

Discover the Power and Joy of Hypnobirthing!

  • The key to hypnobirthing is to quieten the mind and relax the body, so it can do what it does naturally to open in labour and then to birth your baby.
  • By practising what you learn on this course, you will be able to follow the rhythm of your breathing through moments of intensity, while remaining calm and deeply relaxed, and how to ‘breathe your baby out’ when giving birth.
  • You will learn relaxation, self-hypnosis and visualisation techniques.
  • Developing these skills will encourage the release of natural pain-relieving hormones and make labour more comfortable.
  • With regular practise, you will become more confident and trusting in your body.
  • Partners will learn to help you with effective touch and ‘anchors to relaxation’.
  • Hypnobirthing can make all the difference to any birth – on dry land, in water or with medical assistance and is an ideal complement to the Active Birth Workshop or any antenatal course.

This class is excellent! As a father-to-be I really enjoyed the relaxations as much as my partner, and you are great at leading them!

Course dates for Hypnobirthing (click to expand)

Hypnobirthing Course Dates

Sun 16th February, 2025 10:00 - 14:00

Cost: £155 (includes materials see below)
Location: Live Streaming (Zoom)

Sun 23rd March, 2025 10:00 - 14:00

Cost: £155 (includes materials see below)
Location: Live Streaming (Zoom)

Sun 27th April, 2025 10:00 - 14:00

Cost: £155 (includes materials see below)
Location: Live Streaming (Zoom)

Private Session

If the dates don’t work for you or for a refresher, contact Janet to arrange a private online session via email at info@activebirthcentre.com. You will receive a recording of the session/s in addition to the course materials.

What is hypnobirthing?

The idea of using hypnosis during birth was pioneered in the USA by mother and hypnotherapist Marie Mongan in 1992. She called it: “Taking the world by calm.”
Hypnobirthing offers simple self-hypnosis techniques to practise during your pregnancy. The value of self-hypnosis comes from learning to reach that relaxed level of consciousness where your own suggestions can influence your physiological experience. In my class, you will learn hypnobirthing for an Active Birth. You will become familiar with the ‘trance-like’ state that occurs naturally during labour. This gives you the inner resources you need when labour and birth happen for real, so that you can remain relaxed and calm throughout. Without fear you are less tense, your body functions better, and labour is more comfortable.

Why do a hypnobirthing course with Janet Balaskas?

Janet’s approach to Hypnobirthing is unique and includes her experience over four decades as an internationally renowned antenatal teacher and the founder of Active Birth and Pregnancy Yoga in the 1980’s. Her wisdom, experience and knowledge are woven into her teaching of Hypnobirthing as she guides you to deepen into the profound relaxation that is so useful as you prepare for an easier, calmer, and more relaxed birth.
She trained with Marie Mongan, the founder of Hypnobirthing. Her approach, is her own and her live presence as the teacher while you work in your own environment, adds a special dimension to the work you will do together in this workshop.

How to set up your room for online hypnobirthing

Home is the ideal place to learn Hypnobirthing. This sets the scene, for when your labour starts for real. Janet will guide you so that your subconscious mind and body memory are prepared simultaneously for the natural change of consciousness that occurs during labour.

Please set up your room as you would in early labour – with mat or mats on the floor plenty of cushions or pillows, an inflated birth ball (65cms), a nearby wall surface you can lean on. A sofa, dining or kitchen chair and counter tops will provide plenty of support. Arrange the mats so they are visible on your screen and parallel to your device.

Course Materials

All participants will receive Janet’s Handout Pack with your booking confirmation and as well as her unique relaxation MP3’s to work with at home.