
Posts in the ‘newsletter’ Category

Should my labour be induced?

Thank you to Helen for this week’s question: I am healthy and have had a normal pregnancy. Do I need to be induced at 40+ weeks? At her last check-up Helen was told that induction was strongly recommended if she didn’t go into labour within the next week or so.  I’m sure this is a

How can I encourage my breech presentation baby to turn?

I want to thank Oana and Ania for the question which is the theme of this newsletter. If you are not yet 30 – 32 weeks pregnant save this for later. At this stage it is normal for some babies to be breech. How can I encourage my breech presentation baby to turn? This is

In labour – when should I go to the hospital or birth centre?

I recently invited women attending my Pregnancy Yoga class or Active Birth Workshop to ask me a question. My plan is to start a regular newsletter called ‘Ask me anything’ and some great questions have already come in. The first is from Laura and thank you for this question: In labour – when should I