HypnoBirthing near Haringey with Janet Balaskas
Janet Balaskas offers regular courses on HypnoBirthing near Haringey at the Active Birth Centre.
Private sessions and classes for small groups can also be made by arrangement.
- Prices & Course Dates
- To Book: e-mail: jb@activebirthcentre.com or call: 0208 3610124
A Unique Combination of Active Birth Preparation & HypnoBirthing
An easier, relaxed and joyful birth. Janet Balaskas combines her experience with the latest HypnoBirthing techniques and resources, connecting self-hypnosis techniques with the body-learning of Active Birth.
Use self-hypnosis, breathing and relaxation to prepare yourself to be calm, confident, and ready for labour
- Learn to change any negative conditioned expectations of birth, so that the powerful influence of the mind can work for you
- Use the latest HypnoBirthing resources from The Wise Hippo Birthing Programme, receive a hypnobirthing handbook and gain access to a digital mp3 package of relaxation scripts, positive
affirmations and beautiful relaxation music
Janet Balaskas is renowned for her highly effective birth preparation courses. She has a reputation for being both inspirational and realistic in her teaching. What you learn on this course will give you the best preparation for the birth experience you want. It will also give you the resources you need if your birth plan has to change.
Janet’s HypnoBirthing courses are complemented by her Complete Active Birth Weekend Courses, Pregnancy Yoga Classes and PAIRS ‘Active Birth with Yoga’ Partners workshops. These give you the opportunity to practice the breathing and relaxation continuously.
I can highly recommend Janet’s knowledge of the body, experience and the life changing effects of these techniques both for me and my partner. Breathing, self hypnosis and relaxation techniques are taught so that the whole birthing process is much less painful and calmer, and we learn to ‘breathe the baby out’ instead of pushing. Victoria – Pilates teacher
Thank you for teaching us Yoga and HypnoBirthing which enabled our daughter to have the best possible entrance to this big wide world and made us very relaxed as parents. Her birth was really beautiful. Jo and Raph