Toddlers can be a real challenge; from tantrums to picky eating, clingy behaviour to sleep problems. So how are you coping with your toddler? So many toddler books and television programmes recommend strict behavioural techniques such as ‘time out’ and ‘naughty steps’ but these all too often make parents and toddlers even more stressed. Popular behavioural ‘solutions’ relying on star charts and reward schemes provide short term help at best. ToddlerCalm™ is a 3-hour workshop that provides real help for life with the ‘terrible twos’ with long term solutions that actually help to prevent tantrums and stress. We do all of this without the use of ‘Time Out’, reward charts and ‘Naughty Steps’; turning tantruming toddlers and stressed parents into calmer toddlers and happier parents.
When is a good time to attend this workshop?
ToddlerCalm™ is suitable for all parents of children between the ages of one and four. Many parents come along when their baby is even younger, to learn the skills of toddler calming well in advance. It’s invaluable if you have a toddler or pre-toddler and you’re expecting a new baby: with the skills you learn you will be able to foresee and prevent difficult behaviour that can often arise when a new family member comes along.
Some of the lessons you will take away:
- How to stop toddler whining
- How to stop toddler hitting
- How to encourage your toddler to share
- How to introduce a new sibling to your toddler
- How to encourage your toddler to listen to you
- How to stop toddler biting
- How to and encourage your ‘terrible twos’ to be more ‘terrific twos’!
Ruth Stroud
We are delighted to announce that Ruth Stroud will be running her first ToddlerCalm Workshop for us at the Active Birth Centre on the 11th April.
From a professional life that started in the arts, Ruth Stroud went on to study psychology and anthropology and other elements of what lies beneath human emotions and behaviour. Following the birth of her two children her personal journey aligned even more strongly with her interest in these subjects and she went on to train as a birth doula and as a BabyCalm and ToddlerCalm teacher. Ruth is passionate in her commitment to helping parents to build the foundations of happy, healthy, and loving relationships with their children, through greater empathy and understanding of the child’s own experiences, that will see them through all the stages of family life.
Where, When and How Much?
This is a three hour class held at the Active Birth Centre
Cost: £45 a person
Booking Details: The next workshops are on:
Saturday September 19 from 2.00 – 5.00pm BOOK ONLINE
Saturday November 21 from 2.00 – 5.00pm BOOK ONLINE
To Book via Phone/Email:
What People say about Toddler Calm
The ToddlerCalm workshop today was absolutely fantastic. I would highly recommend it! I’ve read so many books about toddler behaviour but this really resonated in so many ways. I thought 3 hours would have been too much but in fact I came away wishing it could have been longer! Ruth was also a very engaging class leader. So much to think about. Thank you
I didn’t manage to say thank-you on Sat (hopefully my wife did! Always the better half!) but can I just pass on my gratitude as I found the course such a great experience. I have to admit when G. signed us up for this one (yes, there are lots of courses out there!) I was fairly hesitant but went along like the obedient husband! but I thoroughly enjoyed your course and I get why you wanted to race through the time with not many questions as the info you wanted to get across built up so well to the CRUCIAL climax (excuse the pun!). The bit for me where you made us realise that you wouldn’t tell an adult to go away and think about their actions if they felt upset/alone etc let alone a child really had a huge impact on me! It was like one of those shining light moments and even since Saturday I feel a closer bond with my little one for understanding him a little better…