
Posts Tagged ‘baby’

pregnancy yoga

Finding The Right Pregnancy Yoga Class For You

If you’re pregnant or even thinking about having a baby, you probably see pregnancy yoga ads on a daily basis! How do you know which class will offer the best experience and instruction for you and your baby? Here are a few important points we suggest considering when looking at all the options: Experience &

Pregnant During Summer? Enjoy It!

Being pregnant during the summer shouldn’t be a worry. Yes, it can get uncomfortable sometimes, but there are plenty of ways to beat the heat and have a calm, cool pregnancy. There’s also so much to enjoy about being pregnant at this time of year! Vitamin D – sunshine is good for you and your

Imogen’s Birth Story: Another Successful Home Birth

We received a beautiful email from Imogen, just one day after her son’s birth. — My baby was born at home at 8.10am, weighing 7lbs 9oz. My labour was 4 hours and I practiced my yoga as much as possible, imagining spiralling downwards and using sound work to breathe through the contractions. Despite having read

Laid-Back breastfeeding at the Active Birth Centre

Supporting mums who are struggling to breastfeed

Avni Trivedi is the Osteopath at the Active Birth Centre. Here, we’re excited to share the interview series she runs on her own website. I think it’s really important for practitioners to work in an integrated way, as you can address things from all directions and offer the most complete care to your clients. I

Lifting the Stigma of Perinatal Depression

Avni Trivedi is the Osteopath at the Active Birth Centre. Here, we’re excited to share the interview series she runs on her own website. My work is hands on. It quickly builds trust with clients and I often see them starting to open up and talk during the treatment. I am well aware that osteopathy