This is an exceptional clinic offering osteopathy for pregnancy, babies, postnatal mothers and families. Our osteopaths have a deep understanding of the physiological, emotional and anatomical impact of pregnancy and birth and are highly skilled and experienced specialists in this field.
Osteopathy in pregnancy and after birth
Natural physical changes in pregnancy are not always comfortable. Osteopathy can ease aches and pains and can also help to boost the progress of labour and birth. Using gentle techniques, it is safe and effective for all stages of pregnancy.
It also helps to improve the body’s alignment, strength and flexibility, that often suffer with a modern lifestyle that does not demand a wide range of movement. This is important during labour and birth, and helps in the early months of caring for, feeding and carrying a new baby.
Osteopathy for babies and children
In the process of birth a baby goes through a long journey that can involve considerable pressure, and sometimes a degree of twisting or pulling, particularly when there is intervention, or during a caesarean: these forces can contribute to discomfort or irritability, or make a baby seem ‘unsettled’. Osteopathy can gently realign the system and make a baby more comfortable. It can also help if there are difficulties with breastfeeding and can be wonderfully effective to relieve colic and aid sleep.
Osteopathy continues to be useful as a child grows. It assists with balanced alignment as the body’s structure changes, and can have a positive impact on issues ranging from digestion and sleep to behaviour. It also offers gentle treatment if there are falls or injuries.
Sebastien & Kate are excellent practitioners with a real interest and passion and experience in the field of osteopathy & cranial osteopathy.
Sebastien De Sa Neves Da Rocha, Bsc(Hons) Ost, DO, DPO, PGCert in HE Sebastien qualified as an osteopath from the European School of Osteopathy in 2007, and trained in Paediatric Osteopathy at the Osteopathic Centre for Children. Sebastien’s passion for Osteopathy began in his native France before completing his study in England while also learning English! He is a lecturer and a turor at the European School of Osteopathy, where he teaches osteopathic diagnosis and treatment. Working alongside experienced osteopaths in Kent, Sussex and London, Sebastien has developed an integrated osteopathic approach to the body based on the concept of a Body, Mind and Spirit continuum. He has a great experience of working with the whole family.
For appointments with Sebastien on Wednesdays: Contact: 07831 214942 Queries:
Kate Belle-Fortune has been a qualified family osteopath for over 14 years. She works with all age groups across a wide variety of conditions but has specialist training in osteopathic treatment for babies and pregnant and postpartum mothers. She is also a qualified Scarwork Therapist which is very effective for treating the often overlooked effect of scars after caesarean operations.
For appointments with Kate on Friday: Contact: 020 7272 3003 Queries:
“Osteopathy at the Active Birth Centre has helped me deal with the physical and emotional challenges following the birth of my daughter
The approach used by Sebastien was gentle, specific and addressed the body globally. It was a fascinating experience, which made me aware of tensions I carried in my body after a long and difficult delivery. I now intend to bring my baby daughter for her to have an osteopathy assessment”
– Catarina Lon