Over the years many people have attended both of our renowned Active Birth and Hypnobirthing Courses. In response to this we are now combining them into one amazing course, cutting out any repetition and saving the expense of attending two courses. This course is designed over a weekend plus the following Thursday evening.
Session 1 – Saturday Morning
What is an Active Birth and what is Hypnobirthing?
You will learn how can they work together through mind and body to awaken instinct, reinforce nature’s plan and to prepare you for a calm and confident birth.
This session covers the amazing hormonal physiology of birth with an overview of the whole process. You will marvel at the way your body, baby, pelvis and uterus all work together.
You will also enjoy a practical deep relaxation and the first Hypnobirthing script.
Session 2 – Saturday Afternoon
This session is all about labour, how it starts, progresses and completes just before you give birth to your baby.
We begin with the second Hypnobirthing class, deepening into relaxation. We then use what we have learnt in a wonderful practical ‘labour rehearsal’ including breathing, affirmations and relaxation. You will be trying out a variety of upright positions and partner work including touch and massage. This session will prepare you for the deep inner journey of labour giving you invaluable resources to draw on. We will end with the second hypnobirthing script.
Session 3 –Sunday Morning
Here we will explore the impact that tension, stress, fear, negativity and anxiety can have on birth. In this third hypnobirthing session you will learn how to release emotional issues that may stand in the way of a positive, joyful birth using a gentle fear release script. You will then be able to work with this process ongoingly at home.
Our active birth topic will be how labour ends and what triggers the birth – what changes take place – how does it feel – how we can go deeper into ourselves through this transition.
Session 4 –Sunday Afternoon
Here we will complete Hypnobirthing class 4 combined with the Active Birth wisdom of giving birth. You will practice ‘birth breathing’ and then learn to birth your baby by ‘breathing your baby down and out gently’ in a variety of relaxed upright birthing positions. You will see a demonstration of what this looks like and how your midwife will ‘catch’ your baby in these positions. This is an interactive session involving ‘role play’.
The final part of the weekend will be about the wonderful golden hours after birth when you will be welcoming your new baby. This will include all the topical issues about when to cut the cord, birthing the placenta and bonding.
Session 5 – Thursday Evening
Wise Woman Session
With everything you have learnt so far on this course you will have greatly increased the possibility that your birth will go as you intend. However, it is wise to keep an open mind and be prepared to have a relaxed and positive birth in circumstances where the agenda may need to change. This session will guide you to use Active Birth and Hypnobirthing techniques in combination with interventions including epidurals, induction and caesarean section.
It is a unique approach to these topics, which will show you how you can stay as close to the physiological as possible, remain empowered and relaxed and make the wisest decisions for your baby and yourself.
This important session will start with a hypnobirthing script and end with a deep relaxation and breathing awareness that will be especially helpful when plans need to change.
Course Dates & Times for 2019
February | Sat 16th, Sun 17th & Thu 21st | Book Online |
March | Sat 23rd, Sun 24th & Thu 28th | Book Online |
April | Sat 27th, Sun 28th & Thu 2nd May | Book Online |
June | Sat 1st, Sun 2nd & Thu 6th | Book Online |
July | Sat 20th, Sun 21st & Thu 25th | Book Online |
September | Sat 7th, Sun 8th & Thu 12th | Book Online |
November | Sat 2nd, Sun 3rd & Thu 7th | Book Online |
December | Sat 14th, Sun 15th & Thu 19th | Book Online |
Timings for all dates Weekends: 10.00 am – 5.30 pm on both days Thursday evening: 7.00 pm – 10.00 pm |
£295 per person / £575 per couple
Please note: We reserve the right to change the programme to serve the needs of the group, and also to substitute experienced teachers in the event of illness.