
Birth Story no.34: Ciara’s Water Birth

Home » Birth Stories » Birth Story no.34: Ciara’s Water Birth


Ciara attended Lynn’s Wednesday evening yoga classes, and gave birth to a beautiful baby boy in May 2018. Here’s her account of an incredible water birth experience…


“I started having contractions at midnight and spent the next 5 hours at home using the ball, yoga exercises and breathing to see me through the steadily increasing pain. When I rang the hospital at 03:30am they told me I would have a long way to go still as I was able to speak through the surges but by 4:30am I knew that I was getting close. At this point I had completely given myself up to my body and what it was doing which really helped me cope.

By the time I got to the hospital at 5am I was 7cm. I was the last mum able to go into the birth centre (so lucky!!) and at 6:45am I was able to get into the pool. The pool was such an amazing experience – instantly relaxing but simultaneously energising – and as the need to push became steadily stronger, again breathing and massage from my husband enabled me to not need any pain relief.

I feel so grateful that I was able to have the completely natural birth experience I had hoped for with no pain relief at any point, especially as I was so aware of everything that my body was going through. There was something so liberating about completely giving myself up to what my body was telling me to do and breathing through the hardest parts, and just being so aware of everything that was happening to my body.

Thank you so much for all the help and preparation and please share with the rest of the class – I really hope that at least some of them will be able to have the same wonderful water birth experience that I had.”




Congratulations Ciara, and thank you for sharing your beautiful birth story!



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