
Welcome to the Active Birth Centre

Prepare for your birth online with Janet Balaskas

Try a free pregnancy yoga class - click here

Active Birth is about welcoming your baby with love and joy and having a positive experience of birth.  You will learn about the miraculous design of your body and how to trust and follow it on the day! It’s also about being in charge of your decisions and keeping your options open, working toge ther with your birth partners. I offer a powerful combination of Active Birth, Hypnobirthing and Yoga – invaluable resources whatever path your birthing takes. I look forward to welcoming you soon!

Janet Balaskas
Founder of Active Birth

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Antenatal Classes & Courses

Package Offer: Save 10% if you book an Active Birth Workshop and a Hypnobirthing Course!

Best Overall Antenatal Course

Active Birth Workshop

Learn how to have an Active Birth in this iconic antenatal course, which offers everything you need to prepare for the birth of your baby. Janet guides you on an inspirational journey from the start of labour to first hour after birth. Learn how to work with your body, your breath and your baby.

Weekly Relaxation + Birth Preparation

Pregnancy Yoga

Relax, breathe, stretch and prepare for birth in the calm and meditative state of Yoga. Janet Balaskas brings her unique wisdom, warmth and experience to these inspirational pregnancy yoga classes which combine the benefits of yoga and preparation for your birth.

Deepen Your Birth Preparation

Hypnobirthing Course

Hypnobirthing works wonderfully with Active Birth. Now you can learn Hypnobirthing online, in your own home, with the guidance and experience of a gifted teacher. Janet’s unique approach to hypnobirthing draws on decades of experience as a birth educator to complement the benefits of Active Birth.

Private Sessions

Private Sessions with Janet Balaskas can be arranged if you prefer to work one-to-one or one-to-couple, or if the dates for a course don’t work for you. They are held on zoom, and can cover Active Birth and Hypnobirthing techniques, or advice and mentoring on specific topics you choose.

New! Active Birth: Your Guide to Nature’s Plan

‘Active Birth: Your Guide to Nature’s Plan’ is a feature length film by Janet Balaskas, which will introduce you to the essentials of Active Birth and provide a practical guide you can work with throughout your pregnancy.

Professional Training & Postnatal Classes

Professional Training

Professional training for antenatal teachers, hypnobirthing practitioners, pregnancy yoga teachers, midwives and doulas. Janet Balaskas has been training birth professionals for more than three decades, influencing birth education and midwifery practice across the globe.

Postpartum Sessions with Lynn

The ideal follow-on from my classes! Discover Lynn Murphy’s amazing offerings from 1:1 sessions in your own home or via zoom for baby massage & support to her Mother Nurture Circle for new mums & babies. Lynn’s postpartum programme provides a trusted space where you can receive support, meet friends, and take time for you and your baby.

The Story of a Revolution

Discover the history of the Active Birth movement, which has transformed the way babies are born around the world

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