
Posts in the ‘Birth Stories’ Category

Helena's birth story

Birth Stories No. 4: Helena’s Active Birth

First of all I want to say thank you! I had a rather quick and ‘painless’ birth and I consider myself lucky, or as I think – the Pregnancy yoga classes, the Laid-Back Breastfeeding and the Baby Calm classes really helped!! I was due on Boxing Day and our baby boy came on the morning

alexa's birth story

Birth Stories No. 3: Resisting Routine Induction: Alexa’s Active Birth

Alexa’s birth story is interesting because it is a typical case of coming up against the routine recommendations to induce when there are no specific medical indications. This is the story of her journey and how she managed to resist interventions she felt were not necessary and gave birth naturally in the end! “Jamie is

Birth Stories No. 2: Monika’s Active Birth

Monika prepared for the birth of her daughter by coming to our Pregnancy Yoga classes with Lynn Murphy. This was her second baby, and this time she chose to give birth in a birthing centre. She would like to share her birth story to show it is possible to have a very personal and intimate experience

Birth Stories No. 1: Natalie’s Miracle Breech Birth

 Dear Janet, I couldn’t wait to write to tell you about the miraculous birth of my baby girl. As you know I was so very worried about the birth and spent every minute of the last 9 months planning and preparing. Only then to be told that baby was breech and that a caesarean was the