
Posts Tagged ‘pregnancy yoga’

Birth Story No. 22 – Catherine: The power of Hypnobirthing when things don’t go to plan

Catherine attended Janet’s Pregnancy Yoga classes and, together with her husband Eoin, Janet’s Hypnobirthing Course. Here, Catherine shares the story of the birth of her beautiful baby girl, Niamh Aster McKenzie Parker. My waters broke on the Sunday, however I had not gone into full labour by Monday evening so had to be induced (on

Pregnancy Yoga Posture of the Month: Shoulder Anchor with a partner

We’ve got a treat for you for this month – not one, but three pregnancy yoga poses of the month! Each is a posture you can do with a partner and first up is Shoulder Anchor. Shoulder Anchor is a great posture for keeping you calm and relaxed during labour. Sit on a ball with

Birth Story No. 20: Anna’s calm home birth

There is nothing greater than hearing about the positive birth experiences of the wonderful parents we work with.  This lovely note comes from Anna who attended Janet’s yoga classes at the Active Birth Centre. I wanted to send you news of the birth of our daughter, Ava, and to thank you for all of your

Yoga Posture of the Month: Squatting

This is the physiological birthing position and is great to practise in pregnancy. Variations of squatting have been used by women to give birth in cultures all over the world. It opens the pelvis to its widest and stimulates contractions. However in our culture we do not squat and the full squat with flat feet

Yoga Posture of the Month: Child’s Pose

Child’s pose, also called the ‘Z position’ is one of the most valuable pregnancy yoga postures. It gently stretches the pelvic joints and helps to increase the internal dimensions of the pelvic canal and outlet, making more space for the baby to descend and emerge during birth. It will prepare your pelvis for birthing like