
Posts Tagged ‘active birth’

A Labour of Love Part 4: The Dance of Labour – Mother and Baby

Essentially labour is a dance between mother and baby aided by the downward force of gravity. Now that we have some understanding of the physiology – lets turn to the protagonists. I believe it is essential that we think of labour starting in the final weeks of pregnancy when baby and mother are preparing, both

A Labour of Love Part 2: The Value of Preparing for Birth in Pregnancy

I have worked with mothers to be in pregnancy for more than 30 years and helped many hundreds of them to successfully access their mammalian instincts and to give birth naturally. As humans we have the disadvantage of our over-active rational brain and cultural conditioning to be afraid of giving birth. We are giving birth

Birth Story No. 17: Boo’s dancing birth!

I’d been determined that I would not go overdue and had spent the weeks before my EDD doing lunges, squats, plenty of long walks, eating pineapple & dates, taking raspberry leaf tea and evening primrose oil etc. When I visited my midwife on the Tuesday morning, three days before said due date, and was told

Birth Story no. 16: Laura’s Hypnobirth

I gave birth to Henry on 2nd April at the birth centre at the Whittington, two days after my due date and 5 days before I’d been told I had to be induced (as they thought he was too small). He was born a very healthy 7lbs 3oz, and is absolutely perfect. The birth experience

Birth Stories No. 15: Eloise’s Home Water Birth

Firstly, I am really glad to have had the private session with you whereby you repeatedly encouraged meet to let go of my memories of ‘last time’. You were right, of course – it was a completely different experience to my first child. To start with, this time I laboured and had her during the

Birth Stories No.15: Abigail’s Hospital Water Birth

I began getting what I thought were rather strong Braxton Hicks around 8.40am on Tuesday, so I just ignored them and carried on pottering around the house and looking after our six-year-old son Nethaniel who was on half term and a bit poorly. I vaguely observed that they seemed to be coming rather regularly every

Birth Stories No. 13: Dinu’s Calm Birth

My due date came and went and I felt no closer to my baby being born – I’d had no Braxton Hicks contractions, nor any of the other signs one might feel in the lead-up to labour. However, four days past my due date, I woke up feeling a surge at 1.40am.  The date was

Birth Stories No. 12 – Peggy’s Home Birth

I also feel this is an moment when I can express my own gratitude for your book, New Active Birth. I have five children, home birthed except one. I loved giving birth. I always tell others what a wonderful experience it is. I am well aware that my last delivery could have gone badly for

Birth Stories No.11 – Carolina: The Power of Affirmations

I just wanted to share with ABC the arrival of our second baby girl Cielo (pronounced Si-eh-lo). She was born on the 18th of April at 1am in the Birth Centre at Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital. 4 days after her expected due date. I started feeling small surges on Saturday morning but through the

Birth Stories No.10 – Cordelia & Danny’s Home Birth

I just wanted to let you know that we had a beautiful little girl on Friday night! She was a very HEALTHY 6.6lbs (!) and we managed to have an absolutely incredible home birth as planned despite a couple of difficulties along the way! We both want to say a huge thank you as we