
Posts Tagged ‘antenatal classes’

Rachel’s Birth Story: Quick, Calm & In Control

I just wanted to let you know that we welcomed another boy to our family in December, weighing 3.6kg! The early hours of the morning he arrived were slightly unsettled with many trips to the bathroom and a bit of back ache (which I initially put down to having spent so much time in bed

Haru’s Birth Story – Preparation Makes All The Difference

I wanted to let you know that our daughter was born swiftly and safely, and I also want to say a huge thank you as the preparation I did in your yoga classes and Hypnobirthing for Active Birth course was invaluable. My water broke naturally only one day before my due date, and my labour

Yoga Pose: Sitting Comfortably

This is a great alternative to the wide leg sitting positions, which also helps to position your baby well. Place a soft folded blanket under your feet and sit back onto two blocks (add cushions too if you want to), keeping knees together.   Want to learn more yoga poses that can help you and