
Posts Tagged ‘pregnancy’

Yoga Pose No.9 – ‘Slow Down’ Position for Labour

This simple but effective yoga pose helps to slow down labour or reduce intensity by moving your baby’s head away from the opening cervix. 1.Start off on all fours 2. Then slowly lower yourself until your head is is close to the floor. 3. Relax and breathe for a minute or so. This position will

Imogen’s Birth Story: Another Successful Home Birth

We received a beautiful email from Imogen, just one day after her son’s birth. — My baby was born at home at 8.10am, weighing 7lbs 9oz. My labour was 4 hours and I practiced my yoga as much as possible, imagining spiralling downwards and using sound work to breathe through the contractions. Despite having read

Beat The Heatwave

It’s time to cool down! We’re loving the summer sunshine, but this heatwave can get uncomfortable – especially if you’re pregnant or have a new baby at home. Janet Balaskas and Lynn Murphy have some great advice that’ll help you and your precious ones to enjoy your summer…   Drinking plenty of water and keeping

Relax With Reflexology

“Reflexology resets the balance,” says Sophia Smith, the Active Birth Centre’s resident reflexologist, “And it’s also an incredible way to bond with your unborn baby. It’s a very earthy, strength-giving technique that helps with grounding and preparing for giving birth. It relaxes mum and baby, and it’s comfortable and cosy.”   Sophia works with patients

Pregnancy Yoga Posture of the Month: Relaxation

Our pregnancy yoga pose of the month is simply, Relaxation! It is crucial for a safe and comfortable yoga practice and, when connected with breathing techniques, can be a wonderful support during labour. Relaxation is the most important of all yoga practice. It is key before or after you practice for all your yoga postures. If

Pregnancy Yoga Posture of the Month: Eagle pose

Our pregnancy yoga pose of the month is Eagle pose (arms only) – a wonderful posture that releases the upper back from the extra weight in the chest area in pregnancy, as well as improving shoulder flexibility. Start by sitting in a comfortable seated position either legs wide or kneeling. Allow the weight to settle into

Pregnancy Yoga Posture of the Month: Upper Back and Shoulder Release Against A Wall

Our third pregnancy yoga pose of the month is Upper Back and Shoulder Release Against A Wall. Each of the poses this month are postures you can do with a partner which helps increase your stretch and helps you bond. Start by facing a wall, about your arm length away from it and feet parallel. Your partner

Pregnancy Yoga Posture of the Month: Child’s Pose Shoulder Release

Our second pregnancy yoga pose of the month is Child’s Pose Shoulder Release. Each of the poses this month are postures you can do with a partner and this one also uses a ball. Start by sitting upright in Child’s Pose. Whilst your partner holds firmly hold down your pelvis, place your palms on top of the

what to do when you're overdue

What to do when you’re overdue!

The following information has been produced to help you to be aware of some of the issues that may arise when pregnancy continues beyond the estimated due date, and to empower you for wise decision making to help you decide what to do when you’re overdue. Your EDD (estimated due date) has probably been in


Precious Placenta

Mother nature gives each baby an incredible gift for future health with a final transfusion of blood from the placenta in the first minutes following birth. The placenta at the time of birth contains about one third of the baby’s blood volume and is rich in nutrients, iron and oxygen, stem cells, T cells, immune