
Pregnant During Summer? Enjoy It!

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Being pregnant during the summer shouldn’t be a worry. Yes, it can get uncomfortable sometimes, but there are plenty of ways to beat the heat and have a calm, cool pregnancy.

There’s also so much to enjoy about being pregnant at this time of year!

  • Vitamin D – sunshine is good for you and your baby!

Balance your time in the sun with cooling off, but there’s no need to avoid the sun completely.

  • Comfortable summer dresses

No need to squeeze your growing tummy into leggings, tights or a coat! Now you can relax in the comfort of light summer clothing.

  • Outdoor exercise

Go for a walk to get some fresh air, or even do your pregnancy yoga poses out in the garden. Your baby will enjoy it as much as you do.

  • Babymoon time!

If you’re thinking of booking a “babymoon” holiday in the months before your baby arrives, summer is the perfect time to venture off to relaxing, sunny beach resorts.

You don’t have to travel too far to find sea, sun and fun, and there are so many options available during the summer.

  • Who needs alcohol?

Ok, we all miss a good old glass of wine sometimes during pregnancy, but bars, restaurants and hotels always come up with fabulous non-alcoholic summer “mocktails” that will delight and refresh!

There’s usually also a lot more flavoured water and other chilled refreshments at this time of year so you can get the hydration you need without getting bored.

  • No need to worry about extreme temperature changes

Winter babies have to be taken from nice warm houses out to the car, into the hospital for their check-ups or out to visit relatives. If your baby arrives during summer that’s something you can cross of the list of concerns.

Of course it’s important to make sure baby keeps cool.

  • Sunshiny, happy people

Everyone tends to feel at least a little happier during the summer, simply because there’s more daylight. The late sunsets, gorgeous sunrises and warm weather can help you feel good – and that affects your baby too.

The people around you will probably be in a better mood too because there’s usually music playing, a BBQ smouldering, and a lake to splash around in.

Enjoy every moment of it!

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